Kingdom Connection & Direct Connect

Kingdom Connection 
Kingdom Connection & Direct Connect
Sunday 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Group Leader: Jeani Baberadt
Location: LHC Kingdom Connection/Direct Connect room

Come and join us as we enjoy a fun-filled class, learn about the Father's love for us, and how we can change the world! We at Living Hope make it our aim to raise future adults by laying a foundation that will support our kids in their teen and adult years.  

We believe that God is seeking a loving relationship with all of His kids, no matter how old. We also believe that the Holy Spirit does not wait for us to reach a certain age before He starts to honor our prayers. With that in mind, we teach faithfulness, consistency and how to have fruit that endures, while encouraging young prayer warriors to stretch their faith.

Would you like to be a part of this dynamic ministry? Please contact Jeani for more information:
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